Projects / Therapeutic care home gardens

Horticultural Therapy Landscape

Horticultural Therapy Landscape

Horticultural Therapy Landscape

Therapeutic care home gardens

Project in progress

The design of gardens for residential care homes has significantly changed in recent years with the growing awareness of the benefits of horticultural therapy accompanied by the increase in our aging population. Using our experience and knowledge of dementia related issues and horticultural therapy we are now regularly commissioned to create garden designs for new residential care homes in the UK and currently have eight live projects in Norfolk, Sussex, Bedfordshire and Surrey.

Engaging residents and communities in gardens requires a knowledge and expertise that means we often include consultation and long term planning with the aid of Thrive, the National Charity for Horticultural Therapy. Benefits are huge and there is now a call for this form of therapy to be included within National Health Service provision.

The project shown is in Norwich for North Star and the Castlemeadow Group. For further information about our work in this area please contact us.

Andrew has been interviewed on national media about therapeutic landscapes and you can hear a pod cast about garden design for dementia from Australia's Life Matters programme:

And also a pod cast about some of our work on therapeutic gardens from Radio New Zealand :